Specializing in the art of fine-line

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463 N Western Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90004



1pm - 9pm





Please check artist IG for booking status!


K - Owner

K Tak was born in 1990 in Seoul, South Korea, and moved to the US for high school. She graduated from Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. K became a self-taught tattoo artist, and in 2019 opened Banana, which has attracted clients from around the world. She is skilled in various tattoo styles and is particularly known for her delicate work using a single needle.


Viviana came to the state from Korea in 2009. She brings her artistic vision to life, carefully crafting every detail to ensure that her clients receive a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Her delicate floral tattoos are particularly popular.


We regularly host guest tattoo artists from all over the world, bringing a variety of styles and techniques to our customers. By welcoming international artists, we aim to build relationships with the global tattoo community and provide our clients with access to work they may not have encountered before.



How do I book an Appointment?

It's easy and just a click away! Scroll up to the top of the page and you'll find the "Book Appointment" button. Click on it, and you'll be taken straight to our appointment form. Just fill in a few essential details, and voilĂ ! We'll reach out to you as soon as we can. But bare in mind, due to the volume of appointment submissions, it might take some time to get back to you. But always, new or returning, we're always excited to see you!

How much does it cost for a tattoo?

It's important to note that prices for tattoo services can vary depending on the artist and their style, as well as the size and complexity of the design. For example, a color tattoo may be priced higher than a black and white one due to the additional time and materials required for the application of multiple hues.

Do you take walk-ins?

Unfortunetly we currently do not accept walk-ins. Instead, we ask that all customers schedule a session with us through our booking process via "Book Appointment" process mentioned above. We believe that providing our clients with a personalized and tailored experience is essential, and our booking process allows us to ensure that each customer receives the time and attention they deserve.

How do I prepare for my tattoo?

To ensure the best outcome for your tattoo, please get a good night's rest and avoid alcohol the night before your appointment. It's important to eat well and stay hydrated before you come in. If you experience any discomfort or nausea during the session, let us know, and we have you covered with sweets! We want to ensure that your experience is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.


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